Could A Ransomware Infection Cripple Your Business?
A client recently was hit with a variant of the ransomware CryptoLocker on their network and it encrypted over 250,000 files on their server effectively rendering it useless. Yup! An employee opened a link on an e-mails that they shouldn’t have and infected the entire server.
The good news was that they had a recent backup of their data so all of the lost data could be recovered.
The bad news? Those files were off-premises and totaled over 500GB of stored data and their only option was to restore their server data via an Internet download. Even with their reasonably fast cable connection, the re-load took almost 4 days before all of the data was recovered and ready to use.
When considering a backup solution, it’s critical to consider how long your business can afford to be off-line in a situation like this. You should always know your Downtime Threshold and have a recovery system in place that can get you back up and running before your business starts losing money or, maybe more importantly, losing clients! What’s your Downtime Threshold? It’s the amount of time your business can survive before it starts to lose the ability to function properly and things get uncomfortable from a business perspective.
That’s why ACT offers 3 distinct Backup & Recovery Solutions that can be tailored to your recovery requirements. From basic files and folders backup to our more timely VS virtual server recovery system, we have the disaster recover solution that will meet you business needs.
Click here to learn more about our DataVault Backup and Recovery Systems